What PhDs Need to Know About Transitioning to Industry

Jan 22, 2024

The majority of PhDs who complete their program will go on to careers in industry. But many PhDs struggle to navigate the transition because of the many unknowns; they simple don't have the knowledge of the inner workings of the industry hiring process. This leads to anxiety and fear, as well as falling victim to the reams of misleading information available on the internet. 

The Journey from Academia to Industry Should be Exciting not Scary

When PhDs have the right information, know how to position themselves, and how to navigate the industry hiring process, they are one of the most valuable assets hiring managers can come across.

Here are the 5 things that PhDs need to know about making the transition:

  • Preparation is Key. Well-prepared candidates know what they're looking for and that comes through in how they engage with recruiters, hiring managers, and other industry professionals. It shows in their ability to have an engaging conversation.
  • Apply to Careers that Match Your Unique Goals and Transferrable Skills. The industry hiring process is all about fit, how well your unique skills fit the position, how well you personally fit in the team and the company, and how well your values match those of the company. Starting by assessing fit allows you to apply for positions where you have the highest probability of getting noticed.
  • Interviewing is about Finding Likeable People. People hire people they like. Preparing before the interview, anticipating what you may be asked, and practicing beforehand can help you come across as confident without being arrogant, polished, and personable.
  • Negotiation is a Conversation. Forget all the hardline negotiating tactics that you see in TV and movies. Negotiating your job offer is expected and if you think about it more as a conversation and less as a battle, it can help you come to terms quicker, without ruffling feathers.
  • Making a Strong Impression on Your First Day is Key to Long-Term Success. Actively engaging in your onboarding process, meeting new people when you first start, and proactively seeking information can help you set the tone for your success after you start at a new company.

Finding a career can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be stressful. The key to crafting your career with confidence is having a solid understanding of what goes on behind the scenes.

Checkout the video for more insights like these or register for our 5-step course, Post-Academic Me, for insider insights on how to navigate the industry hiring process.


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