A 5-step course to teach you how to transition from academia to industry, find financial freedom, and land your dream job.

Get Started

The Problem

You're frustrated, anxious and burned out. Your industry job search has been unsuccessful. And you need income NOW.

You don't know how to get past the ATS to get an interview

You've been applying to jobs for months with few, if any, responses

You're told you're too academic, over- or under-qualified for industry positions

The Solution

Learn how industry hiring managers decide who to hire, and reposition your academic experience to land your dream job in a live, meet-and-greet with employers.


your job prospects


increase in salary potential


your job satisfaction

What Sets Alma.Me Apart


Social Media Followers


Industry Connections

20 years

Industry Hiring Experience

Self-Paced Course with 4+ Hours Pre-Recorded Video

Instructional content and downloadable resources designed specifically for PhDs to teach you how to get hired. Designed and led by an industry hiring manager with 20 years of experience.

Networking Sessions with Live Q&A and Discussion

Get your questions asked and answered in sessions held in our exclusive online community with introductions to other PhDs and professionals to begin building your network.

Get Drafted and Hired by Potential Employers

Select jobseekers will get invited to our invite-only draft events where you can get matched and interviewed by potential employers.

Our Process

Sign up for our free online community and get the free guide to landing a job in industry

Sign Up

Submit your resume to apply for our talent draft to meet and interview with potential employers

Apply Today

Enroll in our 5-step course to learn how to get more interviews and land more job offers

Enroll Now

What Our Course Customers are Saying

Meet Raquel

PhD, Genetics to Scientific Project Leader

 "Angela is much more oriented to business and recruitment...having that connection was very helpful to figure out how to do a 1-page resume that is good and can get some traction... If it wasn't for Angela and Elena, I would not have landed this job."


Meet Mitch

PhD, Mathematics to Data Analyst

 "[Alma.Me] offered a platform for connection. The opportunity to connect with people who were going on this same challenging journey was invaluable...Elena and Angela are both amazing people - they'll do everything they can to help you along this challenging journey."

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